Source code for modelparameters.utils

# Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Johan Hake
# This file is part of ModelParameters.
# ModelParameters is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ModelParameters is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with ModelParameters. If not, see <>.

# System imports

# Conditional numpy dependency
    import numpy as _np
    list_types = (_np.ndarray, list)
    scalars = tuple(t for t in _np.ScalarType if not (issubclass(t, str) or \
                                                      t is _np.void))
    integers = tuple(t for t in scalars if "int" in t.__name__) + (int,)
    nptypes = (scalars, _np.ndarray)
    range_types = scalars + (_np.ndarray,)
    _all = _np.all
except Exception as e:
    _np = None
    list_types = (list,)
    scalars = (int, float)
    integers = (int,)
    nptypes = ()
    range_types = scalars
    _all = lambda value : value

import time as _time
import math as _math
import types as _types
    ClassType = _types.ClassType
except AttributeError:
    # ClassType is removed in python 3
    # Classes are of type type
    ClassType = type

import string as _string

from collections import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict

# local imports
from .logger import *
from .config import float_format
from functools import reduce

_toc_time = 0.0

_argument_positions = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth",\
                       "seventh", "eigth", "ninth", "tenth"]

[docs]def rjust(s, *args, **kwargs): return s.rjust(*args, **kwargs)
VALUE_JUST = rjust inf = float("inf")
[docs]def param2value(param): if isinstance(param, scalars): return param elif hasattr(param, 'value'): return param.value else: raise ValueError('Unable to get value of parameters {}'.format(param))
[docs]def value_formatter(value, width=0): """ Return a formated string of a value Arguments --------- value : any The value which is formatted width : int A min str length value """ ret = None if isinstance(value, list_types): if len(value)>4: if isinstance(value[0], integers): formatstr = "[%d, %d, ..., %d, %d]" elif isinstance(value[0], scalars): formatstr = "[%%.%(ff)s, %%.%(ff)s, ..., %%.%(ff)s, %%.%(ff)s]" % \ float_format() else: formatstr = "[%s, %s, ..., %s, %s]" ret = formatstr % (value[0], value[1], value[-2], value[-1]) elif len(value) == 0: ret = "[]" else: if isinstance(value[0], integers): formatstr = "%d" elif isinstance(value[0], scalars): formatstr = "%%.%(ff)s" % float_format() elif isinstance(value[0], str): formatstr = "'%s'" else: formatstr = "%s" formatstr = "[%s]" % (", ".join(formatstr for i in range(len(value))) ) ret = formatstr % tuple(value) elif isinstance(value, float): if value == inf: ret = b"\xe2\x88\x9e".decode('utf-8') elif value == -inf: ret = b"-\xe2\x88\x9e".decode('utf-8') elif isinstance(value, str): ret = repr(value) if ret is None: ret = str(value) if width == 0: return ret return VALUE_JUST(ret, width)
[docs]class Range(object): """ A simple class for helping checking a given value is within a certain range """ def __init__(self, ge=None, le=None, gt=None, lt=None): """ Create a Range Arguments --------- ge : scalar (optional) Greater than or equal, range control of argument le : scalar (optional) Lesser than or equal, range control of argument gt : scalar (optional) Greater than, range control of argument lt : scalar (optional) Lesser than, range control of argument """ ops = [ge, gt, le, lt] opnames = ["ge", "gt", "le", "lt"] # Checking valid combinations of kwargs if le is not None and lt is not None: value_error("Cannot create a 'Range' including "\ "both 'le' and 'lt'") if ge is not None and gt is not None: value_error("Cannot create a 'Range' including "\ "both 'ge' and 'gt'") # Checking valid types for 'RangeChecks' for op, opname in zip(ops, opnames): if not (op is None or isinstance(op, scalars)): type_error("expected a scalar for the '%s' arg" % opname) # get limits minval = gt if gt is not None else ge if ge is not None else -inf maxval = lt if lt is not None else le if le is not None else inf if minval > maxval: value_error("expected the maxval to be larger than minval") # Dict for test and repr range_formats = {} range_formats["minop"] = ">=" if gt is None else ">" range_formats["maxop"] = "<=" if lt is None else "<" range_formats["minvalue"] = str(minval) range_formats["maxvalue"] = str(maxval) # Dict for pretty print range_formats["minop_format"] = "[" if gt is None else "(" range_formats["maxop_format"] = "]" if lt is None else ")" range_formats["minformat"] = value_formatter(minval) range_formats["maxformat"] = value_formatter(maxval) self.range_formats = range_formats self.range_eval_str = "lambda value : _all(value %(minop)s %(minvalue)s) "\ "and _all(value %(maxop)s %(maxvalue)s)"%\ range_formats self._in_range = eval(self.range_eval_str) # Define some string used for pretty print self._range_str = "%(minop_format)s%(minformat)s, "\ "%(maxformat)s%(maxop_format)s" % range_formats self._in_str = b"%%s \xe2\x88\x88 %s".decode('utf-8') % self._range_str self._not_in_str = b"%%s \xe2\x88\x89 %s".decode('utf-8') % self._range_str self.arg_repr_str = ", ".join("%s=%s" % (opname, op) \ for op, opname in zip(ops, opnames) \ if op is not None) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.arg_repr_str) def __str__(self): return self._range_str def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \ self._in_str == other._in_str def __contains__(self, value): """ Return True of value is in range Arguments --------- value : scalar%s A value to be used in checking range """ % ("" if _np is None else " and np.ndarray") if not isinstance(value, range_types): type_error("only scalars%s can be ranged checked" % \ ("" if _np is None else " and np.ndarray")) return self._in_range(value)
[docs] def format(self, value, width=0): """ Return a formated range check of the value Arguments --------- value : scalar A value to be used in checking range width : int A min str length value """ in_range = self.__contains__(value) if value in self: return self.format_in(value, width) return self.format_not_in(value, width)
[docs] def format_in(self, value, width=0): """ Return a formated range check Arguments --------- value : scalar A value to be used in checking range width : int A min str length value """ return self._in_str % value_formatter(value, width)
[docs] def format_not_in(self, value, width=0): """ Return a formated range check Arguments --------- value : scalar A value to be used in checking range width : int A min str length value """ return self._not_in_str % value_formatter(value, width)
def _floor(value): return int(_math.floor(value))
[docs]def format_time(time): """ Return a formated version of the time argument Arguments --------- time : float Time given in sections """ minutes = _floor(time/60) seconds = _floor(time%60) if minutes == 0: return "%d s"%seconds seconds_str = " %d s" % seconds if seconds else "" hours = _floor(minutes/60) minutes = _floor(minutes%60) if hours == 0: return "%d m%s"%(minutes, seconds_str) minutes_str = " %d m" % minutes if minutes else "" days = _floor(hours/24) hours = _floor(hours%24) if days == 0: return "%d h%s%s"%(hours, minutes_str, seconds_str) hours_str = " %d h" % hours if hours else "" return "%d day%s%s%s%s"%(days, "s" if days>1 else "", hours_str, \ minutes_str, seconds_str)
[docs]class Timer(object): """ Timer class """ __all_timings = _OrderedDict() def __init__(self, task): """ Start timing task """ check_arg(task, str) self._start_time = _time.time() self._task = task def __del__(self): """ Called when Timer go out of scope. The timing will be registered """ end_time = _time.time() if self._task in Timer.__all_timings: Timer.__all_timings[self._task][0]+=1 Timer.__all_timings[self._task][1]+=end_time-self._start_time else: Timer.__all_timings[self._task] = [1, end_time-self._start_time]
[docs] @classmethod def timings(cls): """ Return all registered timings """ return cls.__all_timings
[docs]def list_timings(): """ List all registered timings """ left_size = len(max(list(Timer.timings().keys()), key=len)) + 1 print("task".ljust(left_size)+": num : total time : mean time") print("-"*left_size +"--------------------------------") for task, (num, time) in list(Timer.timings().items()): print(task.ljust(left_size)+": {0:5d} : {1:6.3f} s : {2:5.3f} s".format(\ num, time, time/num))
[docs]def clear_timings(): """ Clear all registered timings """ Timer._Timer__all_timings.clear()
[docs]def tic(): """ Start timing """ global _toc_time _toc_time = _time.time()
[docs]def toc(): """ Return timing since last toc/tic """ global _toc_time old_toc_time = _toc_time _toc_time = _time.time() return _toc_time - old_toc_time
[docs]def is_iterable(obj): """ Test for iterable Arguments --------- obj : any Object which is beeing tested """ try: iter(obj) return True except Exception as e: pass return False
[docs]def add_iterable(iterable, initial=None): """ Sum the content of an iterable """ from operator import add if not is_iterable(iterable): error("expected an iterable") if initial is None: return reduce(add, iterable) return reduce(add, iterable, initial)
[docs]def camel_capitalize(name): """ Camel capitalize a str """ check_arg(name, str, context=camel_capitalize) return "".join(n.capitalize() for n in name.split("_"))
[docs]def tuplewrap(arg): """ Wrap the argument to a tuple if it is not a tuple """ if arg is None: return () return arg if isinstance(arg, tuple) else (arg,)
[docs]def listwrap(arg): """ Wrap the argument to a list if it is not a list """ if arg is None: return [] return arg if isinstance(arg, list) else [arg,]
def _context_message(context): """ Help function to add context information to error message """ # Add contexttual information if passed if context is None: return "" assert(isinstance(context, (type, ClassType, _types.FunctionType, \ _types.MethodType))) if isinstance(context, (ClassType, type)): return " while instantiating '{0}'".format(context.__name__) if isinstance(context, (_types.MethodType)): # Hack to make test pass class_name = context.__self__.__class__.__name__ if class_name != 'NoneType': return " while calling '{0}.{1}'".format( class_name_, context.__func__.__name__) return " while calling '{0}'".format(context.__name__) def _range_check(arg, argtypes, ge, le, gt, lt): # First check if we are interested in any range check if all(comp is None for comp in [ge, le, gt, lt]): # Return empty string return "" # Check we want a scalar if isinstance(argtypes, tuple): assert(all(argtypes_item in range_types for argtypes_item in argtypes)) else: assert(argtypes in range_types) range_checker = Range(ge, le, gt, lt) if arg in range_checker: return "" return range_checker.format_not_in(arg) def _check_arg(arg, argtypes, identifyer, context, itemtypes, ge, le, gt, lt): """ Helper function for arg checking """ assert(isinstance(argtypes, (tuple, type))) argtypes = tuplewrap(argtypes) # First check for correct range message = _range_check(arg, argtypes, ge, le, gt, lt) # If we have a message we failed the range check if message: raise_error = value_error # Check the argument elif isinstance(arg, argtypes): if itemtypes is None or not isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): return iterativetype = type(arg).__name__ assert(isinstance(itemtypes, (type, tuple))) if all(isinstance(item, itemtypes) for item in arg): return itemtypes = tuplewrap(itemtypes) message = "expected '%s' of '%s'"%(iterativetype,\ ", ".join(argt.__name__ for argt in itemtypes)) raise_error = type_error else: argtypes = list(argtypes) argtypes_strs = [] if all(argt in argtypes for argt in nptypes): argtypes_strs = ["scalars", "np.ndarray"] argtypes = [argt for argt in argtypes if argt not in nptypes] elif all(argt in argtypes for argt in scalars): argtypes_strs = ["scalars"] argtypes = [argt for argt in argtypes if argt not in scalars] elif all(argt in argtypes for argt in integers): argtypes_strs = ["integers"] argtypes = [argt for argt in argtypes if argt not in integers] argtypes_strs.extend(argt.__name__ for argt in argtypes) if len(argtypes_strs) > 1: argtypes_str = ", ".join(argtypes_strs[:-1])+" or " + \ argtypes_strs[-1] else: argtypes_str = argtypes_strs[0] message = "expected '%s' (got '%s' which is '%s')"%\ (argtypes_str, arg, type(arg).__name__) raise_error = type_error # Add identifyer information if passed if isinstance(identifyer, int) and identifyer != -1: message += " as the %s argument" % _argument_positions[identifyer] elif isinstance(identifyer, str): message += " as the '%s' argument" % identifyer # Add context message message += _context_message(context) # Display error message raise_error(message)
[docs]def check_arginlist(arg, lst, name="arg"): """ Check that arg is in lst """ check_arg(lst, list) msg="Argument {} must be one of {}, got {}".format(name, lst, arg) assert(arg in lst), msg
[docs]def check_arg(arg, argtypes, num=-1, context=None, itemtypes=None, ge=None, le=None, gt=None, lt=None): """ Type check for positional arguments Arguments --------- arg : any The argument to be checked argtypes : type, tuple The type of which arg should be num : int (optional) The argument positional number context : type, function/method (optional) The context of the check. If context is a class the check is assumed to be during creation. If a function/method the contex is assumed to be a call to that function/method itemtypes : type (optional) If given argtypes must be a tuple or list and itemtypes forces each item to be a certain type ge : scalar (optional) Greater than or equal, range control of argument le : scalar (optional) Lesser than or equal, range control of argument gt : scalar (optional) Greater than, range control of argument lt : scalar (optional) Lesser than, range control of argument """ assert(isinstance(num, int)) _check_arg(arg, argtypes, num, context, itemtypes, ge, le, gt, lt)
[docs]def check_kwarg(kwarg, name, argtypes, context=None, itemtypes=None, ge=None, le=None, gt=None, lt=None): """ Type check for keyword arguments Arguments --------- kwarg : any The keyword argument to be checked name : str The name of the keyword argument argtypes : type, tuple The type of which arg should be context : type, function/method (optional) The context of the check. If context is a class the check is assumed to be during creation. If a function/method the contex is assumed to be a call to that function/method itemtypes : type (optional) If given argtypes must be a tuple or list and itemtypes forces each item to be a certain type ge : scalar (optional) Greater than or equal, range control of argument le : scalar (optional) Lesser than or equal, range control of argument gt : scalar (optional) Greater than, range control of argument lt : scalar (optional) Lesser than, range control of argument """ assert(isinstance(name, str) and len(name)>0) _check_arg(kwarg, argtypes, name, context, itemtypes, ge, le, gt, lt)
[docs]def quote_join(list_of_str): """ Join a list of strings with quotes and commans """ assert(isinstance(list_of_str, (tuple, list))) assert(all(isinstance(item, str) for item in list_of_str)) return ", ".join(["'%s'"%item for item in list_of_str])
[docs]def deprecated(func): """ This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used. """ import functools @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): warning("Call to deprecated function {0} (filename={1}, "\ "lineno={2})".format(func.__name__, \ func.__code__.co_filename, func.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1)) return func(*args, **kwargs) return new_func
__all__ = [_name for _name in list(globals().keys()) if _name[0] != "_"]